Balloons Over The Rainbow provides Hot Air Balloon Rides in the St. Louis Missouri metro area and is locally owned and operated.
The pilots involved in Balloons Over The Rainbow each have perfect safety records, a current flight review, and are commercially rated for your safety. Nothing is more important to us than your safety and enjoyment during this once-in-a-lifetime experience. We will not compromise your safety or the quality of service we deliver.
We know you can always find someone out there cheaper, especially online, but you will not find a company more focused on your safety and the quality of your hot air ballooning experience than Balloons Over The Rainbow!
The air is crisp and clear, all is quiet except for the occasional sound of the burner disturbing the perfect serenity that surrounds you. You float majestically somewhere between the trees and heaven watching life drift slowly past below. You take it all in, and think just how perfect this day has become and how awesome this experience is, and you wonder, why didn’t I do this sooner??
Adults $ 185
Kids under 14 $150
$ 800/couple
Adults $ 185
Until Christmas: $185
Restrictions: vouchers cannot be combined with any other special offer or discount.
We will never forget, and are grateful for your service. The least we can do is offer anyone currently serving, or who has served a 10% discount for them and any other adults accompanying them. Discount only applies to military, police, fire and emt. You must provide proof of service in the form of a military id, dd214, a badge or id card. Should you not have this proof on flight day, the discount will have to be removed and full price of flight will be charged.
All flight certificates are emailed within 24 hours of order receipt. If you are unable to receive and/or print the flight certificates via email, please call us and we will mail the certificates via US Postal service. When US Postal Service delivery is requested, we will ship them within 48 hours of order receipt.
Once your reservation is completed, and you have received a confirmation from us, you are confirmed for that days flight. Your check-in time is included in the email confirmation you received. If anything changes on your end, please call us. If something changes on our end, such as weather, we will call you at the contact number you have provided. It is your responsibility to ensure we have a valid contact phone number and you are available. Please arrive at the given meeting location on time. We will leave for the launch site approximately 10 minutes after the meeting time. If you are not present, it will be considered a no-show. Please see the policy below on no-shows. If the weather changes after you check-in, and it becomes unsafe to fly, we will contact you to let you know as soon as a decision is made. We will then work with you to reschedule.
Once you purchase flight certificates, we will mail the certificates and other documents via United States Postal Service. Present the flight certificates and other paperwork to whomever you intend to give the ride to and have them contact us to schedule. Since we have no clue who you give them to, we will not contact you to schedule. It is your responsibility to make sure the recipient contacts us to schedule their ride. Please have your calendar handy so we can pick a mutually agreeable time when you contact us. If we are unable to fly the first opportunity for any reason, you can contact us to reschedule at your convenience.
All of our flight certificates are fully refundable at any time prior to check-in for your first scheduled flight. All refunds will be issued to the original purchaser in the original purchase method (Credit card purchases will be refunded via the same credit card) if possible. If not, a refund will be issued via company check. No refunds will be issued to no-shows, those that show up intoxicated or anyone who has forfeited their flight certificate for any reason covered in these policies. Additionally, no refund will be granted after one (1) year of no contact either from the time of initial sale, or for one (1) year after a cancellation of a flight. This does not mean the flight is forfeited, even if you call us after not hearing from you for more than 1 year, we will still schedule the flight and honor the certificate. It is just no longer eligible for a refund. Please note though that we dispose of all records after ten (10) years. Flight certificates are considered abandoned and are discarded after ten (10) years of no contact and are then considered forfeited.
In short, just stay in touch with us so we can get your ride accomplished. We want to fly someone for every certificate sold and will work with you however possible to make it happen, but honestly, after 10 years of not hearing from you, we are going to give up.
No-shows is anyone who failed to show up for a flight after reserving and checking in. No-shows have a substantial impact on our business. As a result of no-shows we either flew an aircraft only partially full, or we didn’t fly at all. Either way we incurred the same expense to fly whether we were able to fly you or not, therefore a no-show will result in a forfeiture of your flight fee or deposit and we will consider our obligation for that flight to be fulfilled. No refund will be possible since we incurred the cost of the flight in your absence. Please make sure to allow sufficient time for arrival at the meeting location, and call us if you are running late.
Weather is always a concern and does force cancellations and rescheduling of flights. If it clearly isn’t going to be flyable for your date and time, we will tell you when you call to check-in. If all appears well, or we aren’t sure, we will schedule the flight. If the weather changes after check-in and becomes unsafe to fly, we will call you to cancel and reschedule the flight at the next available opportunity. Please make sure we have a recent phone number to contact you. If we cancel your flight due to weather, simply call us to reschedule your flight.
If you cancel at least 48 hours prior to your scheduled flight there is no charge. If you cancel with less than the required notice, fail to call to check-in, or fail to show up the morning of your flight, we will charge the full amount to the card on file as a cancellation fee, or your flight certificate will be considered forfeited. Should we cancel for weather or safety concerns, we will call you to let you know. Even if you have already called to check-in, we will still call if anything changes. Of course, should we cancel, you will have the option of rescheduling or incurring no charges at all.
We are pleased to accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and cash.
Are we insured?
We are insured by an American-owned, A+ rated insurance company.
What time are the balloon flights?
We meet about 30 min. before sunrise. The exact meeting time will be included with your balloon ride confirmation.
Where do we meet?
The address to our meeting location is: 2700 Ridge Point Drive, High Ridge Missouri 63049. ( Map)
Where will the balloon land?
A balloon flight is dependent on wind speed and direction. Every flight is different and our landing sites vary.
What should I wear?
Ballooning is an outdoor sport activity, so you should wear whatever you feel comfortable in and the type of clothing that you would expect to wear for a walk in the countryside on the day you fly. For women, climbing into the gondola will be very awkward in a dress or skirt. It is strongly recommended that all shoes worn should have flat soles. Please do not wear flip-flops or open-toed shoes.
Can I take a camera?
Absolutely, there is always plenty to photograph both prior to the flight, during and afterwards. You may bring a video camera also. We recommend that you have a suitable soft case, including carry strap, with you to stow and protect the camera during the landing. Bring extra memory cards and batteries. Panoramic cameras are nice for scenery.
You will hear all kinds of crazy things when you start shopping for a balloon ride. Some of the things we hear that are shared with potential guests are just completely wrong, some are bold faced lies, and some of the stuff is just downright comical. Our view has always been that part of our responsibility is to educate anyone who is looking for a balloon ride, and help them make an educated and informed decision on who to fly with, even if they don’t in the end choose us.
Fact: All balloon ride companies are required to have F.A.A. certified commercial pilots in order to fly passengers for hire, It’s the law.
Fact: All balloons are inspected annually or every 100 hours, whichever comes first to the exact same safety and maintenance standards as a brand new aircraft, regardless of the age of the aircraft, It’s the law.
Flight Vouchers make the perfect birthday, Christmas, anniversary, wedding, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, graduation or Valentine gift. They are emailed within 24 hours, and are fully refundable at any time prior to check-in for your first scheduled flight.
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We do require a credit card for booking. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.